Notary Public & Mobile Notary Services
in West Palm Beach
Mobile notary services start at $60 including travel fees. Each stamp is $10. All services must be paid in advance via Venmo, Zelle, CashApp or credit card (add 5%).
Whether it is an affidavit, a will, an important settlement, or anything else that needs to be notarized, we’re here to help 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Call or text 561.601.1792
Wedding ceremony services also available. Inquire for pricing.

A notary may refuse to notarize your document. To avoid this, follow these simple rules:
Signer must pay the estimated notary’s fees in advance and any fees for additional services requested onsite
Signer must be physically present
Signer must produce proof of identity
Signer must be an adult
Signer must speak and understand English (unless a translator is present)
Signer must be signing with free will and without coercion
Signer must be mentally competent and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Signer must understand the document and implications of signing
Document must be in English (unless a translator is present)
Document or transaction must be legal and not deceptive
Document must be complete

Call or text 561.601.1792
West Palm Beach Notary Services